1. Top definition
        Be there or be "square," because you are not "a-round"
        Guy 1: "There's gonna be a party later tonight, dude! Be there or be square!"
        Guy 2: "What does that even mean bro?"
        Guy 1: Be there or you're being a square, because you're not a-round, man."
        by Romwe February 04, 2015
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        Jul 6 Word of the Day
        Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
        People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
        by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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        A square being a nerd, geek, dork...un-hip, un-cool, unpopular, not with-it, etc. ...sort of person..."be there or be square" means about the same as "everyone who is anyone will be there", which is to say if you're not there you're nobody.
        All the hot girls and all the rough boys will be at this party/club/place dude be there or be square!
        by Lala June 17, 2006
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        a phrase to encourage people to join the smrookies show on august 15th, 2015 and september 24th, 2015.
        also used to for gathering fans to join the nct 127 2nd year anniversary vlive
        "be there or be square."
        "no one, wants to be a square,"
        by bcww1007 July 05, 2018
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        A square is a ordinary person so if you do not show up you will be a square or ordinary person!!!
        Yo, mommydizzle be at my crib by 4:30, dude, or you will like be ordinary!!!
        by Kelly Burbinkaboo June 21, 2005
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