1. Top definition
      To reveal confidential, true, personal information about someone against their will and without their permission.
      Someone who is outed usually experiences embarrassment, social stigma, loss of friends, income, and/or other negative consequences as a result of being outed.
      "He says he's 21, but he's only 20 and has a fake ID! I outed him and now he can't get into bars on campus anymore!"
      by The blonde 1 April 05, 2006
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      Jul 6 Word of the Day
      Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
      People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
      by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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      Leaving a conversation or room. Signifying a good bye.
      "I'm out like a fat kid in Dodgeball."

      by B-Unit April 30, 2003
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      In the homosexual world, a person who no longer hides in the closet and chooses to express him or herself openly in their sexuality
      Davis: Are you still a closet-queer?
      Greg: Nope. I came out yesterday to my family.
      by Dylan May 26, 2004
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      To have a falling out or disagreement with another individual.
      Tom & Kelly had an outs as they didn't see eye to eye.
      The quarterback and centre had an outs after their game loss over who's fault the fumbled snap was.
      After hooking up with Mike's girlfriend Emanuel and he had an outs.

      by Dave O'Dell December 30, 2007
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      Among musicians out means something bizarre.
      Dude, I can't believe I just scammed with your mom ! That's so out!
      by Bobby Sax May 15, 2006
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      1. Not being in
      2. In baseball, when a player is deemed to sucked enough as to warrant more time in the dugout scratching his balls and slapping his fellow players on the ass (This being done in the most professional and non-threatening manner).
      3. Being recognized as a homosexual or acknowledging oneself as a homosexual.
      4. The end of a line of communication, usually when dealing with radios and walkie talkies.
      1. Get that out of my ass, Barry.

      2. Barry Bonds slides and is out at second.

      3. I can't believe you're gonna to out Barry!

      4. "Barry's gay?"
      "Roger that"
      "Ten - four"
      by The Ender April 28, 2004
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